Wake Up America.
A project that began in 2015, with the goal of waking up people with the Gospel.
There are main three issues this project seeks to deal with apart from reaching the unsaved.
1) False conversions
2) Sound doctrine
3) Challenging idols in people's lives.
This project is an initiative to work with local churches to offer evangelism and outreach training. Just imagine what would happen if even 10% of a church body became emboldened and empassioned to share the Gospel. The sad state of the American church is that many churches don't even focus on sharing the Gospel. There has been great advancements in creating a seeker-friendly environment and providing an entertaining church experience. Many churches have even developed incredible teaching ministries. However, very few churches are experiencing the power of the Gospel and even fewer are successfully equipping their members to proclaim the Gospel in their personal lives.
The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation. Its simple, if the Gospel is not preached, people can't hear it, if they can't hear it, they can't experience it. Believing in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for our sins, is the only way that a person can be forgiven, made spiritually alive, and spend eternity with God in heaven.
God desires his people to unashamedly bring the message of Christ wherever they go. This project is an effort to help this happen.
We want to help churches and individuals be equip with the knowledge and confidence share the Gospel. There is truly nothing more blessed than being able to be used by God to bring His love to another person Through the message of the cross.
If you are interested in financially supporting this project please
If you are interested in getting your church involved, please fill out the form below