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Tesia Grace


My name is Tesia Grace. The meaning of Tesia is “Loved by God,” and His grace has abounded in my life.


I used to be an alcoholic, my life riddled with all the pain that comes along with addiction—promiscuity, isolation, financial destitution, DUI’s, clinical depression, fear, hopelessness, chaos, despair, sexual trauma, unsafe eating habits, failed relationships—destruction. My life was the product of deeply suppressed severe emotional wounding. And I say “was” unequivocally. I am a new creation in Christ and have been set free from the bondage, turmoil, and torment that I used to live in. I often look at my life and think, “This can’t be. I shouldn’t have this life. My life is a miracle. I am living in a Jesus fairy-tale.”


“He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in Him.” Psalm 40:2-3


I pray this to be true of my life. That many will see the miraculous, transformative work of Jesus healing, restoring, and redeeming me, and in turn, put their trust and hope in Him. I want to reach those who are just like I was. Those isolated and alone, prisoners in their own lives thinking there is no way out. I want to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners. There is hope for the hopeless, healing for the brokenhearted, and redemption for the destitute. My life was bought with a price and I want it to be spent for His glory.


There are a few avenues through which I believe God wants to pour out my life for His glory.


God birthed the blog in my heart one sunshiny day in Brazil. Working in a women’s rehab, I was sitting outside absorbing the luscious flora and fauna and I thought, “What a beautiful day You have given me God. I am so blessed by You. Life is beautiful. Beauty-full. Full of Your beauty.” is all about finding God’s beauty in a fallen world. Through honesty and vulnerability about my real life struggles and victory through Jesus Christ, I desire readers to encounter Jesus for themselves and find hope for their own private wars. I pray it is a resource for people to gain freedom and victory in their own lives through Jesus Christ.


In addition to the blog, I have a desire to lead other women to healing and freedom in Christ through their own honesty and vulnerability. My heart is to disciple women in deeper intimacy and love in their relationship with Jesus Christ. God organically put a group of women together who meet bi-weekly in my home. His Diamonds & Daffodils—Young women being refined Christ and blooming in the Light of the Son. We discuss and grapple with our real life struggles and sin as we seek answers and healing through Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.


God has recently been opening my eyes to see just how vast the harvest is. There are so many who have not heard about God’s grace and forgiveness. Through evangelism outreaches with His Kingdom Enterprise I want to share my testimony of God’s goodness, power, and grace with a dying and broken world. To offer the hope and healing of Jesus that is so desperately needed.


I would like to invite you to come on the journey with me as a financial partner and be a part of what God is doing through my life. I believe God is the source, but He invites people to participate. As you prayerfully consider contribution, I pray the Holy Spirit leads and guides you.


God is good and God is faithful. I thank you in advance for your support be it prayerfully or financially. I pray you have a blessed a beauty-full day! A day filled with God’s beauty.


In Grace & Gratitude,


Tesia Grace

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