Sommer Lehman
My name is Sommer and I am a missionary evangelist in Tucson, Arizona. As a teen I learned about the Great Commission and how Jesus calls us to go and preach the gospel and make disciples of all nations. I wanted to share the gospel but was shy and didn't know how. I had my own plans for my future (I had wanted to be a police officer), but little did I know of God's plans for my future and His calling me into full-time ministry.
I was raised in church and had always believed in God, yet I truly did not know God the way that He required. I attended church regularly and volunteered at outreaches as I was able, yet I had never had the inward heart transformation of being born again until I reached adulthood when I repented of my sins and surrendered to Jesus as Lord of my life.
Towards the end of 2018, my friend David Hoffman from Kingdom Enterprises asked me if I would like to work for his ministry, which primarily focuses on evangelism. He had started the ministry back in 2015 as a 501-c3 board-governed ministry.
I volunteered with the ministry as my previous work schedule had allowed and saw firsthand that God is at work in this ministry as they attempt to enter the culture with evangelism, outreach, and training. As I saw the gospel being shared, I knew that what this ministry was doing was raw and real, and I wanted to be a part of it as much as I could.
I accepted this amazing opportunity that God provided and became a missionary in the city of Tucson. Tucson is one of the most unchurched cities in the nation, which means that there are a lot of people who have never heard the full gospel. Most people believe they can be right with God by being a good person, and sadly, a lot of professing Christians believe the same. God opened my eyes to see that so many Christians are like I was: going to church yet they haven't been born again into new life in Jesus.
The Lord's plans for me were so different from my own plans! He has called me to proclaim the gospel to the lost, as well as design gospel tracts. I started a blog and uploaded my first tract at vigilantbride.wordpress.com, and have been ministering at many different places around Tucson, and in other places as the Lord has been expanding our reach. I eventually started a YouTube channel called Vigilant Bride where I post evangelism videos to encourage others to share the gospel as well. I evangelize at Planned Parenthood, the Pima County Fair, the All Souls Procession, Winterhaven, the U of A, and downtown or at the park. In 2023 we had a missions trip at the Huntington Beach Surf Open where hundreds of thousands were able to hear the gospel from my team and my presence there. Lord willing, we will be returning next year, and wherever else the Lord leads us!
This has been a huge step of faith for me, as my income is completely based on fundraising. I am humbly asking you to prayerfully consider sponsoring me either as a one-time sponsor or as a much-needed monthly sponsor. I don’t want you to feel pressured in any way, but to give as the Holy Spirit directs you. If you do not feel called to give, please pray for me as I step out and share the truth about Jesus with the lost and connect with people who need the healing that only Jesus can give. Kingdom Enterprises is a nonprofit, so all donations are tax-deductible and cover my support raising.
If you feel led to give, please click the donate button below and select my name from the drop-down menu.
May the Lord bless you and your family