"How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”
-Romans 10:13-15

Working with Local Churches and ministires
There is more power in unity and numbers. We as a ministry are working with churches to help spark evangelism and outreach within their local bodies. There are also several ministries in Tucson, AZ that we are working towards greater partnership.

Evangelistic Outreaches
Every week we do evangelistic outreaches. The thrust of Kingdom Enterprises is to get Christians involved in sharing their faith and reaching the community. We recruit volunteers from local churches to come out with us each weekend to to reach the lost

Weekly Discipleship Groups
God has led us as a ministry to begin discipleship groups so that we can have greater impact on people's lives than when we just do evangelism. Discipleship is key. Every week we will host a Discipleship group where we invite people we have met while out ministering and we provide dinner, a fellowship time, and then a Bible Study.

US Missions
When the opportunity arises, we will work with other ministries here in the US. For example, this summer David Hoffman went and worked with DC for Jesus in Washington DC doing local outreach, meeting with a couple churches, and seeking to help catalyze revival in the nation's capital.

Open Air preaching
Though we are not an "open air preaching" ministry. We do try to open air preach as the Holy Spirit leads us. When open air preaching is done right it has excellent results. It saturates an entire area with the Gospel and the Holy Spirit will draw the right people at the right time to connect with.