If you would like to have someone help you grow in your evangelistic ability and counsel you on what may be holding you back or hindering you, we would love to help.
We will set up ZOOM calls for anyone that feels that having someone to bounce some of their experiences or questions off of would help them. Oftentimes, when a person wants to begin to do evangelism in their life there can be questions like "How do I begin a conversation?" or "How do I deal with it when the person does ________ ?"
Cost - FREE
The best things in God's Kingdom don't have an earthly $$$ attached. We want to help equip and train anyone who wants to begin to step out and let God use them to impact lives by preaching the Gospel.
We want help you break through any barriers in your life that are keeping you from fulfilling the Great Commission.
Our Skype name is Kingdom Enterprises. Please contact us in the contact section and let us know if you would like to set up a time. Skype sessions are generally 30-45 min long. We want to help encourage you and give you the necessary tools to preach a full Gospel to those you come across in your life.
If you feel that you benefit from any training you receive or if you feel led to support our ministry it would be much appreciated, but we want anyone interested to contact us even if they are not financially in a position to help support our ministry.