Donation Information
We have recently switched away from Paypal for our giving platform. If you are able to give via a bank account instead of a credit card, there will only be a $0.30 fee for that type of donation. That is correct, only 30 cents to process a donation from a bank account. If you still prefer to give via a credit card, it is still a very low processing fee of 2.15% one of the lowest out there.
We would like to ask you to please help our ministry if you are able to. We are trying to win communities for Christ. Join us in our mission to proclaim the Gospel. If you are not actively giving towards the great commission please consider what the Lord would place on your heart to give to Kingdom Enterprises.
If you do decide to donate there well be an option to direct the money to a specific project and there will be an option to give recurring monthly donations.
As the Holy Spirit may lead you to give, we would like to ask you to consider a recurring monthly donation. Even if its only $50 or $100 (the price that someone spends eating out a couple of times a month) will help us better project our budget for the year. If you would like to give monthly please fill out the donate button area below.
Thank you for partnering with us to impact this world with the message of Jesus Christ.
If there is more information that you would like to find out before donating please feel free to contact us by clicking on the Contact button below. Also, if you are donating from outside the U.S. and the above options did not work please click the donate internationally button