My name is Shayna Lehman. I am a missionary in Tucson whose passion and duty is to share the gospel .Before I really knew the Lord, I did not trust Him. I heard about Him in church, and I read the Bible all the way through more than once, but had not encountered Him personally because I was not willing to trust Him.
I was not willing to admit it to myself, but I did not love the Lord because I did not think He really loved me based on the way my home life was growing up. I longed to experience His love that I heard and read about. but was not willing to let Him have control of my life. I realized the importance of people hearing about Jesus so they could be saved from Hell, but I was not able to tell people what they had to do to know Him until I knew Him myself. When I laid aside my mistrust of Him, He came and forgave my sins and gave me a joy and peace that I had never felt before. Despite Jesus coming into my life to save me, I still had hesitation about sharing Him with others. However, over time, I have learned how to share the gospel and to rejoice in being able to do it. I used to think I could never lead anyone to Jesus, but He has worked through me to tell many people about Him and actually be used in the process of leading some to be born again. Praise be to God that He is making me into the woman that I longed to become - free from shame, free from fear of what others think of me, able to love others, living in joy, having a sincere love for Christ.

As a member of Kingdom Enterprises I lead evangelistic outreaches at various locations in Tucson, and in
asking other Christians to join, God has been using me to provide opportunities for other Christians to
evangelize as well. We share the gospel at places such as parks, the University of Arizona, Planned
Parenthood, downtown Tucson, malls, and the Tanque Verde Swap Meet. We also go to different annual
events to share the gospel, such as the U of A Festival of Books, the Winterhaven Festival of Lights, the All
Souls Procession, and the Pima County Fair. I also help teach new believers and women who are open to
Jesus, but have not chosen to give their life to Him yet. It is amazing how much God has helped me through someone discipling me and I desire to continue to be used by God in this same way to help others. When I share the gospel with people, I emphasize the need to become a new creation in Christ by being born again through placing complete trust in Jesus’ death on the cross for forgiveness of sins, forsaking their sins and choosing to let Jesus make the decisions in their lives instead of just trying to do things their own way. I am especially passionate about emphasizing the need to make Jesus Lord because I wish I had chosen to make Him Lord much sooner. I lived for such a long time without doing this and I was self-deceived that I was going to heaven just because I believed in Jesus and tried to act like a Christian. In order to continue to reach the lost and be used by God to minister to other believers in the way that I have been, I am needing to raise financial support. You may be one of the people God wants to use to support me in this ministry. Would you please pray about monetarily participating in what God is doing through this ministry? A one-time or monthly donation of any amount is much appreciated.
Thank you, Shayna Lehman